The Competitive Edge

Moving Beyond Society’s Success Formula To Deeper Meaning With Brandon Evans (1Heart)



It can be a very humbling experience to feel like you “did everything right” in your life, but you still don’t feel how you want to feel.  I know this feeling intimately. It can be quite disorienting and can cause a lot of anger.  Today’s guest is also familiar with this experience.  Brandon Evans is a serial entrepreneur and CEO, & Co-founder of 1Heart. 1Heart is considered the gold standard ayahuasca experience and community for heart centered leaders that are seeking more fulfilling and purpose driven lives. Before starting 1Heart, Brandon had built multiple successful tech startups. Despite checking many of the boxes that society told him would make him happy, he felt a void in his life. This sent him on a multi-year self discovery odyssey before eventually finding deeper meaning in starting 1Heart.  For full show notes: