Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Solving Difficult Leadership Issues Through Your Own Growth | E166



You have built a successful business. You have a team and you’re making money, but something is just not right. It doesn’t feel the way it’s supposed to. Those are the gaps. And while they may be easy to recognize, it might not feel as easy to solve them. In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy explores the idea that leadership isn’t a skill, but an outcome resulting from a collection of behaviors, abilities, and most importantly, human behavior. She emphasizes that a gap exists in every leader’s capability, often resulting from internalised beliefs and insecurities. And while that may feel like a lot, Kris shares the reminder that all of it is fixable. A lot of women come to coaching with the hope of getting the specific issues addressed. When really, Kris acknowledges, these leaders know how to solve the problems, they just don’t trust themselves to do it. Kris shares that the work then is to then look at what you believe about yourself, and to overcome insecurities and internalized beli