Partakers Christian Podcasts

Partakers Bible Thought – The Spirit Explodes 22



The Spirit Explodes Part 22 of 22 - The journey to Rome – at last. Acts 27:1 – 28:31 by Roger Kirby It really is rather puzzling that Luke spent so much space on his precious scroll describing this sea journey from which we, like everybody else, are not going to be able to get much spiritual nourishment. ~~ There are at least 3 possible reasons: this sort of exciting sea voyage complete with shipwreck was commonplace in Greek literature and Luke wanted his work to fit the normal pattern to make it as acceptable a read as possible; this is a ‘we’ passage, indicating that Luke himself was on this voyage and so was complying with the expectation of those days that historical writers should have had some involvement in the events they described; Luke wanted to set Paul’s journey to Rome and his death there in parallel to Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and his death, thus showing how the life of a Christian should imitate that of Jesus. Question 1: What was Paul’s attitude to his fellow travellers and th