Olga's Way

This is how you support parents who suffer miscarriage or infant loss



October is the month of Pregnancy and Infant loss awareness. Not something we are happy to hear about and definitely a subject of sadness. However, there are so many families each day facing this sad reality that it is important that we talk about the grief that comes from losing a pregnancy or, an infant. As a therapist, Olga has counselled many families during their loss. In this episode, she shares tips on how to support those who have loss a child or a pregnancy. It is a MUST listen episode because we are never really exempt from this reality. If you know of someone who has lost an infant of a pregnancy and you sit in silence wondering what can you do to support the parents, this episode will help you take action. If you yourself are in grief and feel that your relatives and friends do not know how to support you, send them this link and help them become educated on what they can do to support you. If you are a parent struggling with loss, you can work with Olga 1:1, she has a special rate for grieving pa