Olga's Way

Stop Running Away From You



Years ago, I was a former therapist and clinical social worker. But very early on in my professional career as a clinician, I also became certified as a mindfulness instructor. And at that time, my only goal was that I had more tools to help my clients. What I didn't know is that as I was being certified, I have to be a student of mindfulness and practice. I realized that I had a very solid habit of running away from me, avoiding any scenario where I had to be with myself. In this episode, I would like to share with you how to stop running away from yourself. How mindfulness is the key to stop running and how impermanence can teach you to be confident and resilient to take on life’s challenges.  Learning how to stop running away from yourself is all about learning how to love you.   Visit olgasway.com for full show notes. If you're ready to put an end to a bully that lives inside your mind, I want to invite you to my next Detoxified Five Day Workshop, where you will learn proven strategies to go from self cri