Olga's Way

From detox, to reset, to CEO of your life



In this episode we are going to talk about all the things from Detox the mind to Reset Your Mindset to finally Being the CEO of Your Own Life. If you didn't guess it yet, these are the names of my coaching programs.    I get quite a lot of questions about them on a regular basis. So I thought it would be helpful to have an episode that I can refer people to on a regular basis to listen to about what my coaching programs are, as well as who they are for?   Each program helps you to move past self-doubt, stop self-sabotage, saying goodbye to your insecurities, and forgetting about the “shoulds” and “what-ifs”. I help you work on your confidence and mindset in each of my programs.   Imagine a life where you feel confident, valuable, purposeful, and like you’re enough. You’re already her. Let me show where she’s been all along and start living your life to your absolute full potential!   Are you ready to ditch anxiety and step into the most authentic version of yourself?   Listen to this episode of Journey to Hap