Olga's Way

Steps To Clean Your Energy



Do you ever feel that you have a lot of guilt and obligation, and sometimes even resentment when you're doing things for yourself and for others?   Today's episode is all about how to clean our energy so that we can live a simple, happy, free of guilt, free of fear life.   If you were to truly ask yourself, “why am I doing this?”, you will always bring it back to somebody else's expectations of yourself, or that someone will be hurt if you stop doing this thing. All of those feelings come from not having clean energy.    The motive, the reason that motivates you to your goal has to come from clean energy or else, you will lack consistency and enjoyment while working towards your goal.   Listen to this week’s episode of Journey to Happy to hear the steps on how to clean your own energy.   3 takeaways: -What is clean energy? -The steps to take to clean your own energy. -How to get off of autopilot in your life. Inspiration: “The motive or the reasons that motivate you to your goal has to come from clean energ