Olga's Way

Women Thrive With A Community w Tanya Cole-Lesnick



You are interested in coaching or therapy, but you are terrified of doing it in a group setting. Your worst fear is to feel embarrassed, to feel rejected and to expose yourself vulnerable in front of others.   In this episode we break down the myths people have about getting help in a group setting and we highlight why this type of work is far more beneficial than only doing one on one work.   Therapist and life coach Tanya Cole-Lesnick joined me this week in the podcast to share her experience and her findings with regards to how women thrive in a community setting.   If you are sitting on the sidelines wondering if you would ever join any kind of group work, have a listen and draw your own conclusions. Bio for Tanya Cole-Lesnick: Tanya Cole-Lesnick has been a psychotherapist (licensed clinical social worker) and coach since 1995. She received her master’s degree in social work from New York University after group therapy changed her life. She has extensive experience in outpatient hospital mental health,