Olga's Way

What To Do When You Fall Off The Plan



Show notes:   This episode will give you the exact steps to follow when you fall of the plan.   Whether your plan was to lose weight, to start a new hobby or to save money, we all tend to quit when we “fail” at making perfect progress.   As humans, we will never be perfect, which is why it’s so important that we learn to fail. That’s right, failure is a skill. It needs to be developed. Listen for more details. Audio clip: your biggest enemy here is gonna be your own mind who's gonna say if you make it okay to fail, you're going to be a constant failure. That's not true. Actual failure means not getting re engaging in your plan might quitting before because you think one mistake was too big to continue. So first thing is to make it okay. Really give yourself permission to come up with a plan. And in fact expect that you know, I used to be an addictions counselor, that was my first job as a therapist. And we did relapse prevention the entire time. And we did relapse not only prevention, but once you if you li