Olga's Way

Lowering Anxiety With Self-Hypnosis w Lindsey Carothers



To all my anxious people: LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE.   Lindsey Carothers literally blew my mind away. She shares a couple of self-hypnosis techniques that  work like magic indeed to lower anxiety.   Fast, easy-to-use and effective techniques that you can start using right away.   If that doesn’t make you want to turn in to listen, this might: During the episode she literally HEALED me from my  life-long phobia to mice.    If you know me, you know I can’t even say the word mice without my skin crawling. Well, dear friends, I want to tell you that this conversational hypnosis fixed me. I no longer feel that phobia. It really did blow my mind away.   Come ready with pen and paper to take notes and learn to ease your anxiety in minutes. You will love Lindsey as much as I did.   Bio for Lindsey Carothers: Lindsey is a life coach for creative humans. She helps them get unstuck and into action so they can turn the creative dreams in their head into their reality, and live life on their own terms. She performed on Broa