Olga's Way

How To Handle Big Diagnoses with Alison McLean



When life gives you lemons, what do you do?  LEMONADE!   Easier said than done, right?   One of the reasons I enjoy mindset coaching is because I get to teach others how to use their mindset powerfully and in their favor, no matter how many lemons life throws at them! In this episode, I am interviewing a coach who has lived with very difficult diagnoses and has beautifully used her mindset to help her heal.   Join me in an episode that will give you hope and tools to cope with difficult life events.  Bio for Alison McLean: The Wellness Entrepreneur’s Business Coach Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist, Massage Therapist & Coach   For the last couple of decades I have helped hundreds of students overcome injury, pain and achieve their health goals. I had a successful and profitable physical therapy and wellness clinic while leading classes, workshops and yoga trainings.   Then I was diagnosed with Lynch syndrome a genetic mutation that puts me at high risk for several different types of cancer. Only a cou