Olga's Way

When You Have Compassion Fatigue w Amanda Rocheleau



When you are exposed to overwhelming amounts of work, little breaks and rest moments, you could not just burnout mentally and emotionally, but you could also begin to feel compassion fatigue.   Compassion fatigue is when you no longer have the mental and emotional energy to be compassionate, caring, sympathetic for others. You may start showing up to work but without your heart or passion.   There is nothing broken or wrong with you, but there is definitely something that needs your care and attention. In this episode, Amanda Rocheleau therapist, and Olga Lacroix, life coach, talk about what compassion fatigue is and how to overcome it.   Listen in!   Bio for Amanda Rocheleau: Amanda is a Registered Social Worker in Ontario offering training, counselling and consulting services on a range of topics related to the workplace wellness, burnout prevention and compassion fatigue. Amanda received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in Social Work from Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. She has over 15 years of