Olga's Way

Empathy In Leadership w Greg Kligman



Don't miss this thought-provoking episode where Olga Lacroix and Greg Kligman discuss the transformative power of empathy in leadership. Whether you're at the helm of a corporation, or leading your own life and family this conversation offers invaluable perspectives on being a more empathetic and effective leader.   Key Takeaways: We communicate empathy with LOVE. Greg shares an acronym we can use to be reminded of the different components of empathy: Listening Observing Validating Exploring Implement Empathetic Listening: Upgrade your communication style by practicing empathetic listening. This not only fosters trust but also leads to better decision-making. Olga and Greg discuss its importance and how it varies in different settings. Prioritize Self-Care, Especially for Empaths: As highlighted by Greg, if you’re someone who naturally takes on others’ emotional burdens, don’t neglect self-care. Make it a point to set aside time for yourself to recharge and set boundaries, as this contributes to better lea