Olga's Way

Developing Leadership Skills to Lead in Your Life



Join us for an episode that's a catalyst for transformation. Specially crafted for high-achieving, perfectionist women in leadership roles as well as those struggling with overwhelm, we’re going to unpack strategies that will elevate you to the CEO position in your life, your happiness, and your relationships. Key Takeaways: Prioritize Self-Care: Allocate at least 20 minutes a day for yourself. Use this time to decompress, meditate, or engage in an activity you love. This is not selfish; it’s a vital step in becoming a successful leader in your own life. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and set boundaries where needed. Whether it's at work or home, clearly define what you can tolerate and stick to it. Boundaries are the roadmaps to self-respect and better relationships. Invest in Skill Development: Whether through coaching, therapy, or self-learning, invest in developing your leadership skills. Make it a habit to read, watch or listen to materials that nourish your mindset and skills. If this episode h