Partakers Christian Podcasts

Partakers Bible Thought – The Spirit Explodes 16



The Spirit Explodes Part 16 of 22 Many challenges! Acts 17:1 – 34 by Roger Kirby   There are many intriguing things happening in this part of the journey as the apostolic band travels south towards the great cities of Athens and Corinth. It sounds as though they did not stop for more than a night until they reached Thessalonica, the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia. Unlike Philippi it was a free city in the Emperor’s favour because it had been on the right side in the civil war three generations earlier.   Read Acts 17:1 – 9. Question 1: - Probably few or none of us are good at all these things, but we will all be better at some than others. Which are you good at? Question 2: - The proving bit reads ‘proving that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead”. How would Paul have proved that? How can we do something  equivalent? Read Acts 17:10 – 15. Question 3: - Of the people you know who are not yet Christians who would be the most likely to ‘examine the scriptures’ diligently? Read Acts