Partakers Christian Podcasts

Partakers Bible Thought – The Spirit Explodes 21



The Spirit Explodes Part 21 of 22 - Roman Justice. Acts 23:12 – 26:32 by Roger Kirby This lengthy section, though important in showing to Theophilus that Paul was innocent of any crime against Roman law and providing the opportunity for Luke to recount the story of Paul’s conversion for the third time, is of no great interest to us. So we will take it at the gallop. First there is the rather amusing account of how Paul started out on his much desired journey to Rome. Read Acts 23:12 – 35. What is interesting here is that the young man, Paul’s nephew, is able to gain access to the commander of the garrison. This suggests that he, and therefore Paul’s family, were of some considerable status and rank. Their society was exceedingly status conscious. Everyone knew where they stood in the hierarchy and acted accordingly. We have already seen this in the way that the commander reacted to the information that Paul was born a Roman citizen while he had to purchase his. That this comparatively young man is able t