Moxietalk With Kirt Jacobs

MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs #414: Hannah Edelen



Edelen, a native of Springfield, Kentucky, grew up in a financially challenged household while her mother battled a brain tumor throughout her childhood. As a Washington County High School student, Edelen found solace in her family and consumer sciences teacher, Sarah Raikes, who influenced her to apply for the Kentucky Governor’s Scholars program. Edelen’s childhood experience is one of the main reasons she chose to be open and vulnerable in her role as Miss Kentucky to show Kentuckians what is possible through mentorship, scholarship opportunities, & dreaming big. When Edelen graduated from high school & found herself at Northern Kentucky University, she jumped in with both feet. The first-generation college student was nothing short of heavily involved during her time on campus. She was a resident assistant (RA), an orientation leader, the vice president of public relations and later president of NKU’s Student Government Association, a member of NKU’s Board of Regents, vice president of operations