Partakers Christian Podcasts

Partakers Bible Thought – The Spirit Explodes 09



The Spirit Explodes Part 9 of 22 - The Conversion of Paul (Acts 9:1-31) by Roger Kirby This story is usually called ‘the conversion of Paul’ but, as we shall see, it was a very unusual conversion. The word ‘conversion’ means a complete change of mind and actions. Paul (we will call him that although for the next four and a half chapters, until a name change is noted, he is actually called Saul) made a complete change in his actions but not in his mind. He considered his decision to follow Jesus a natural, if forced, development from his Jewish belief in God. Question 1: Paul changed his mind about Jesus. But what exactly was it about Jesus that forced him to change his mind? Question 2.: Which Old Testament image or images will Paul have instantly related the lights and the voice to? Question 3: Which was it for Paul? Question 4: Which was it for you? Question 5: Are you confident the Lord has seized hold of you? Question 6: What one word best describes what he did? Question 7: Paul hit the chu