

LENT 2022: Glittering Vices: Sloth - Pastor Kent Landhuis THEME - Sin destroys our souls. Jesus restores our souls on the cross. TEXTS - Matthew 25:14-27, James 1:12-15 OUTLINESlothfulness is short-sighted self-protection. Proverbs 6:6-11A. Ground rules - James 1:12-15.1. Own your own sin.2. No secret sin.3. Confession brings hope.B. Two paths lead to slothfulness. Matthew 25:14-27. 1. Couch Potato Sloth. The plight of the lazy.2. Workaholic Sloth. The plight of the busy.C. Jesus sets us free. Luke 15.1. The couch potato son finds freedom.2. The workaholic son remains trapped. D. Next Steps 1. Look at your own soul.2. Where have you taken the easy road to avoid more important work?3. Confess your slothfulness.4. Go live in freedom!SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF CEDAR