Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Pray for Me: Conduct



PRAY FOR ME: Pray for ConductPastor Kent LandhuisTHEME -  Be good and do good.TEXT - Matthew 22:34-40OUTLINE1. Only God is good. * Luke 18:18-27. * Matthew 5:48.2. God makes us good in Jesus. * Mark 7:1-15. * Ephesians 2:8-9. * 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. * Micah 6:8. * Romans 12:17-18. * Colossians 3:17. * 1 Corinthians 10:31.3. What is the loving thing to do? * Matthew 23. * Deuteronomy 6. * Luke 10:25-37.NEXT STEPSBe good.Do good.