Cedar Hills Community Church - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

The Word Made Flesh: Life and Death



Word Made Flesh: Life and DeathPastor Steve PooleTHEME - The flesh and blood Jesus deals with death.TEXT - John 11:17-441. Jesus doesn’t blame Lazarus or his sisters.“The flesh and blood Jesus doesn’t rebuke any of themourners for showing their grief over the death ofLazarus, and he could have!” ~Steve Poole2. Jesus doesn’t condemn their emotional response.“…the Son of God, having clothed himself with our flesh,of his own accord, clothed himself also with humanfeelings, so that he did not differ at all from his brethren,sin only excepted.” ~ John Calvin3. Jesus offers peace through truth.“I am that high and holy One who, by taking man’s natureupon Me, have ennobled his body, and made itsresurrection possible. I am the great First Cause andProcurer of man’s resurrection, the Conqueror of death,and the Saviour of the body. I am the great Spring andSource of all life, and whatever life any one has, eternal,spiritual, physical, is all owing to Me…” ~ J.C. Ryle4. Jesus offers peace through sharing in our tears.“W