Power Station

There really isn't a way to have the right impact if people are not in a position to advocate for themselves



When the global pandemic struck America, it shut down our institutions, from schools to courts and libraries, devastated our economy and exposed who is served by our public systems and who is overlooked. Low income communities of color suffered the most, from a loss of jobs and housing to dire health outcomes. That moment moved seasoned public defender Kirsten Gettys Downs to think about the failed systems, rooted in racial injustice, that led her clients into Baltimore, Maryland’s criminal justice system and undermined their ability to succeed upon reentry. She knew that a stable home is foundational to thriving and yet is out of reach for so many. Now, as executive director of the Homeless Persons Representation Project, Kirsten and a team of staff and volunteer attorneys, represent clients facing eviction, the majority of whom are Black women, young people facing violence in shelters, veterans, and those seeking expungement of criminal records. HPRP's impact legislation has restored stolen benefits, from S