Coach Corey Wayne

The Fun Hookup Vibe Versus The Serious Relationship Vibe



Join this channel to get access to exclusive members only videos, full viewer questions podcasts & The 3% Man & Mastering Yourself Study Group Podcasts with the girls where we discuss the content of both books in depth: Join Members Only Spotify: Join Members Only On My Website (you must create a free account first by subscribing to the free email newsletter): Why it’s best to have a fun unattached hookup vibe versus the serious relationship vibe. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who says things are now going great in his life thanks to studying my work. He says lots of women like and approach him, but he recently got rejected by a woman he met while out and had a good time bar hopping with her. They made out, but it didn’t go any further that night. She said she definitely wanted to see hi