
Synopsis Do you wonder what the best lead generation systems are? Are you working your lead generation systems the way you should be? Do you feel like you are delivering the most to your clients? In this episode you will learn multiple ways of increasing your lead generation system and how to put a system in place. These are Chadi’s 6 most effective Lead Generation Systems 1. Past Clients and centers of influence 2. Open Houses 3. Door Knocking 4. Expireds 5. For Sale By Owner 6. Online Marketing Chadi also wants you to ask yourself these questions… 1. How many transactions do you want to do in the next 12 months? 2. How many of those will be seller and how many will be buyers? 3. Where will those buyers and sellers come from? 4. Is this system 100% in place? Watch this video and leave us a comment below. And, for more interviews with top real estate agents, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to!   If you loved today’s episode, please