The Brainfluence Podcast With Roger Dooley

Negotiation Essentials with Keld Jensen



In this episode of Brainfluence we dive into the psychological triggers that influence decisions with negotiation guru Keld Jensen. Keld brings a wealth of expertise with 25 books to his credit and a career advising top organizations worldwide. In this episode, we explore not only business negotiations but also everyday scenarios where negotiation plays a crucial role—from family life to professional interactions. Today, Keld will share his insights on the pivotal role of trust in negotiations, explaining why it's not just about the deal, but how you make the other party feel. Expect to learn how even your wardrobe can impact negotiations and why mirroring your counterpart might just build that crucial rapport. Keld also introduces us to his negotiation ethics code, emphasizing honesty and transparency—values that he believes should anchor every negotiation. Keld discusses the complexities of virtual negotiations in today's digital world, like the challenges of engagement without physical cues, and how AI too