Off Track With Hinch And Rossi

6: Wet Floors, a Spaniard, and Terra Jolé



From the Airbnb compound in Long Beach, we're Off Track again. Brought to you by the infamous CastBox (0:00 - 2:40). Grinds My Gears: wet bathroom floors and an introduction to Becky, James' girlfriend and the first podcast sweetheart (2:41 - 5:57). Terra Jole is a reality television personality known for Little Women: LA and its spinoffs and Dancing with the Stars. She discusses how she became a reality tv star and launched Little Women, including all of the mini impersonations (mini Paulina Stanley is on the Instagram @askofftrack). James and Terra reminisce about their time on #DWTS - you can actually check out this convo in person at Terra's YouTube channel Terra chats about life as a little person and how it effects her attitude (5:58 - 23:20). Lighting Round: How fast has Terra Jole ever driven, and what's the biggest misconception with Little People? (23:21 - 25:50). Battle Royale: Who would win in a match with female pop divas? And male? (25:51 - 35:40). Race Recap: A general discussion