Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

The Path to More: How to Create an Exceptional Life After Success | E162



You’ve worked hard to build a successful and thriving business and you feel like you’ve reached the top that everyone talks about. And yet, you look around and think, “I’m ready for more”. You are a visionary, ready to create a full life alongside your business, and you want to know how to get there. In this episode, host Kris Plachy shares what it means to be a Sage, to be that woman who feels compelled to ask even more questions. In this honest conversation, Kris defines the qualities of a Sage and illustrates the journey these women have in their business and in their lives. The path of a Sage is an exploration of your purpose, your growth, and your coming into your own. The Sage CEO, as explained by Kris, isn't a playbook or a how-to guide. It's an idea, a mindset, a state of being that transcends being merely a program. This episode is highly recommended for those women feeling the restless stirrings of curiosity, those women who are never quite satisfied, who are always asking, ever evolving, always wan