Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

EP20 - Amy Hughey, founder of The Self Love Mama shares her own Self Love Journey



Yvette Le Blowitz, Host of the Spa it Girl Talk Show catches up with Amy Hughey, founder of The Self Love Mama and she finds out more about Amy Hughey, own personal self love journey, and what it’s really like being a Mother of two twins, running an Instagram page, blog, and YouTube channel also and being a Self Love Influencer and all the other things that now come with also helping others on-line across social media. If you have ever looked in the mirror and not liked what you see you can’t miss tuning in. If you are to scared to put yourself out there across social media but want to inspire other people you can’t miss out tuning in. If you have ever suffered with any kind of body image issues, depression or post natal depression or currently suffering this now then you might find this podcast of interest as both Amy Hughey and Yvette Le Blowitz share some real insights of things you can do to help overcome it.  If you find yourself looking at photos on Instagram of other girls, models or influencers then i