Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

ep:29 - Need Help Say It Out Loud



Are you doing it tough? Does anyone know other then you? Now is the time not to be assumed but instead to say it out loud and to ask for help.  I hope after listening to this podcast you never feel ashamed to share when things aren’t going to plan, when people, things, suitations are affecting you it only takes saying it how it is to change things. I lost my cousin to suicide and I often wondered if she told me, had I know, had she told me what was going on in her world in her inner self if I could change anything I lost her at the age of 18 and I will never know it just seems so sad that human suffering inside can take people out when had she said it out loud or shout it out I or someone else could have have saved her.  When you are young and fighting darkness in your mind you need your elders never disrespect the ability to call for help and to be saved fro. The darkness that sounds overwhelms you.