Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

The Fun Habit w/Dr. Mike Rucker, PhD - Organisational Psychologist, Behavioural Scientist & Author - EP.203



Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz - #SPAITGIRL Podcast EP.203 - The Fun Habit - Dr. Mike Rucker, PhD - Organisational Psychologist, Behavioural Scientist & Author  How The Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life The Fun Habit is the ultimate guide to the benefits of fun, drawing on cutting edge research and science, discover how to add more fun to your life Dr. Mike Rucker, PhD is an organisational psychologist, behavioural scientist and charter member of the International Positive Psychology Association. He has academically published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management. His ideas about fun and health have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Fast Company, Psychology Today, Forbes, Vox, Thrive Global, Mindful, mindbodygreen and more. Dr. Mike Rucker, PhD serves as a Senior Leader for Active Wellness, a global health management company and he is the Author of The Fun Habit. Discover the latest compelling scientific evidence for the poten