Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Making Compliance Training Memorable: The Problem



There is not much I enjoy more than sitting down with one of the most innovative thinkers in compliance; Carsten Tams, to find out what is on his mind regarding compliance. I recently had the opportunity to do so on the topic of making compliance training memorable. Over this short five-part series we will introduce the problem and challenges and then provide you with four game changing strategies you can employee for success in your compliance training. In this Episode 1, we provide the lay of the land, explain when ethics training needs some fresh ideas, some of the challenges ethics training is facing and conclude with a summary of the solutions do we see.   Tom and Carsten take a deep dive into why traditional E&C training often fails to engage employees and lacks impact on their behavior, despite significant investments. This episode sets up the problem by exploring the historical context of E&C training, the difference between European values-focused and American rules-regulation approaches, and how the