Repurpose Your Career | Career Pivot | Careers For The 2nd Half Of Life | Career Change | Baby Boomer

8 Individuals. 8 Career pivots. Listen to a Recap of Previous Guests. #036



Marc introduces the common themes of the eight career changes or pivots recapped in this episode. First, they had an idea, and did not act on it. Second, there was a moment or event that vaulted them into action. Third, no matter how well they planned it, things did not turn out as planned, and they needed to adapt as they went along. Marc reviews some of their stories, with clips characterizing the three phases in common. He shares some guest clips for each of the three phases. Listen in for a variety of experiences and tips for pivoting to, or changing, careers.   Key Takeaways: [3:08] Marc interviewed Dr. Joel Dobbs in Episode 3. Dr. Dobbs was an accomplished pharmaceutical executive. Now he has a portfolio career that includes consulting, teaching, and coaching. He planned this out well. Dr. Dobson noted that his life was half gone, and he was inspired by the book Halftime, to do something different. [5:28] Dr. Dobson took a pause to reflect, and sought things that would lead to a new life of significance