

In this episode, Marc shares Part 2 of 4 parts of the CareerPivot evaluation process. This is the second half of the feedback session, where Marc helps Tim understand his organizational and time management behaviors. Tim shares office stories about his strengths and stresses. Key Takeaways: [1:34] Tim is a 50-year-old guy who has been stair-stepping himself out of a career and building a business on the side. Last month he got laid off, which was his trigger to complete his pivot. This episode will cover Tim’s Birkman through his organizational and time management behaviors and the Birkman measures of freedom and challenge. [2:19] If you missed Episode 48, please stop here and listen to it first. If you listen on the go, listen first without the reports and then download them from and listen to it again. [2:53] Page 10 has the need for structure, organizing, and being responsible. Flexibility vs. Structure. Tim’s most effective behavior puts a high value on structure and order. He is syste