Repurpose Your Career | Career Pivot | Careers For The 2nd Half Of Life | Career Change | Baby Boomer

Are You Prepared to be an 'After the Age of 50' Entrepreneur? #180



Description: Author Wendy Mayhew has been an entrepreneur for 40 years. Her most recent businesses are WISE - Seniors in Business and WISE 50 over 50 Awards. WISE - Seniors in Business was formed to change how older entrepreneurs are perceived and to guide wannabe older entrepreneurs in deciding if entrepreneurship is for them. Wendy has quickly become Canada's leading expert on older entrepreneurship. She has done extensive research and understands the challenges facing this newest and fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs. Wendy is a sought after speaker and workshop facilitator by business organizations now starting to realize the importance of serving this newest group of entrepreneurs. Seeing the gap of information available to older entrepreneurs, Wendy authored WISER: The Definitive Guide to Starting a Business After the Age of 50 to assist this group of new entrepreneurs in starting their businesses. Wendy also offers assistance and guidance for business organizations who are setting up programs spec