

Description: One of the benefits of doing this podcast is I get to speak with a lot of people who have a front-row seat in how companies are dealing with the pandemic from a hiring and career perspective. I am organizing a whole series of panel discussions for the Career Pivot membership community and I will be playing the audio on this podcast. Next week I bring in Gary O’Neal and David Hughen to give you the perspective from the companies side. In future weeks, I will be speaking with a variety of resume writers, career coaches, and other career experts who are directly working with job seekers to get their perspective. I am working on a variety of formats so that my membership community gets their questions answered but also, you the listeners to this podcast gain perspective. Perspective on what is really happening out there is really difficult to get right now as things are moving so fast and most of us are stuck at home. This episode is sponsored by Career Pivot. Check out the Career Pivot Community. Fo