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The Experts Take on Looking for a Job During a Pandemic - Part 1 #192



Description: In the next two episodes, I am going to play the audio from a session we held in the Career Pivot membership community with Lisa Rangel, from Chameleon Resumes, and Alex Freund, from the Both Lisa and Alex are actively working with candidates during this pandemic. In episode 187 and 188, I played the audio from a Career Pivot membership community session with David Hughen and Gary O’Neal. Both of these gentlemen are HR consultants who are actively working with companies to adjust to the pandemic. They spoke about what they are seeing from the company side. These next two sessions are about what Lisa and Alex are seeing from the candidate side of hiring during this pandemic. After they give their perspective they answer questions from the Career Pivot community. This episode is sponsored by Career Pivot. Check out the Career Pivot Community. For the full show notes click here.