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LinkedIn Recommendations: Why You Need Them, How to Get & Use Them #241



Description: This week I am interviewing Thea Kelley and we are calling this episode LinkedIn Recommendations: Why You Need Them, How to Get & Use Them. I have had Thea in the podcast in episode 53 called Thea Kelley on Interviewing for a Great Job in the 2nd Half of Life in November of 2017 and episode 157 called Creating a Career Pivot Resume with Thea Kelley in January 2020. I have tremendous respect for Thea. I contacted Thea a couple of months ago and asked her to suggest a topic to discuss with you. I thought this would be a thought-provoking discussion. Here is her bio: Thea Kelley is a job search and interview coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area and serving job seekers nationwide since 2008. Her book, the Amazon best-seller Get That Job! The Quick and Complete Guide to a Winning Interview was hailed as "Excellent" on For smart job search tips and a free gift, subscribe to Thea's blog at That site also provides information on contacting Thea for one-on-on