Repurpose Your Career | Career Pivot | Careers For The 2nd Half Of Life | Career Change | Baby Boomer

Public School Teacher to Expat Author to Entrepreneur with Queen Michele #243



Description: This week I have a real joy for you as I am interviewing Queen Michele. Queen is in her late 50s and is an  African American retired school teacher who moved to the North Shore of Lake Chapala Mexico in 2018. She lives on a $1,100 monthly teacher pension. I interviewed Queen in episode 119 in March of 2019 after she published her book Considerations: A Guide For Moving Abroad. I am bringing back her back as she has several more entrepreneurial endeavors to tell you about. During our interview her dog Quincy interrupted us, and I left that in the episode as he is a big part of Queen’s life. Queen is an incredibly resilient and energetic woman that I hope will inspire you. This episode is sponsored by Career Pivot. Check out the Career Pivot Community. Make sure and pick up my latest book, Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide for the 2nd Half of Life Third Edition. For the full show notes click here.