Repurpose Your Career | Career Pivot | Careers For The 2nd Half Of Life | Career Change | Baby Boomer

The Job Search Journey Marketplace Helping All Job Seekers #247



Description: This week I am speaking with three career professionals who I highly respect. Virginia Franco from Virginia Franco Resumes Adrienne Tom from Career Impressions Sarah Johnston from Briefcase Coach These three women have teamed up to create a career resource marketplace called This is a marketplace where you can get affordable, high-quality job search products produced by some of the best people in the career industry. The prices range from just a few dollars to a couple of hundred dollars. I like what they are doing AND they are first time eCommerce entrepreneurs. I wanted to tell you about the website and its journey. This episode is sponsored by Career Pivot. Check out the Career Pivot Community. Make sure and pick up my latest book, Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide for the 2nd Half of Life Third Edition. For the full show notes click here.