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365 Ways to Have a Good Day with Ian Sanders #263



Description: This week I have an interesting discussion with Ian Sanders, author of 365 ways to have a good day, a book I found thoroughly enjoyable, and more importantly, actionable and a time of disruption. I was first approached by Ian's publicist and I requested a copy of the book. As usual, I procrastinated. Reading the book, it may surprise some of you but I grew up with a learning disability and I could barely read when I graduated from high school. I overcame that. But I still don't like to read. I was then approached by Karen Wickre, who I interviewed a couple of weeks ago in Episode 261, that I should have Ian on the podcast. That was a kick in the butt to read the book and get him scheduled. Ian and I share a lot of similar concepts and ideas when it comes to how to live our lives. I thought, in theses strange times, this would be a great topic to bring you. His short bio is as a follows: Ian Sanders is an author, creative consultant and storyteller who works with some of the world's leading organi