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Are you Ready to Bet on You: How to Win with Risk - Author Angie Morgan #271



Description: In this week’s episode, I interview Angie Morgan one of the co-authors of the book Bet on You: How to Win with Risk. This is one of the best books on risk that I have read and given the uncertain world we live in I thought it was an appropriate topic for this podcast. Let me read Angie’s about section from her LinkedIn profile: I learned how to lead during my time as a United States Marine. When I transitioned to the private sector, what surprised me was how the term "leadership" was being used. Whereas in the Marines, leadership was a verb - everyone aspired to lead. In my new world, "leadership" was a noun and only an expectation for managers. This inspired me to write my first book on leadership - "Leading from the Front" - as well as start my business, Lead Star. I've since written two more books - SPARK and Bet on You. Through Lead Star, I do the work I love. My team and I design programs for professionals around the world that help them understand how they can express leadership in their wo