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Rebroadcast of What is Your Mindset Right Now? Are You Ready to Change It? #277



Description: This podcast episode is being released during the US 4th of July holiday weekend. I am going to rebroadcast one of my favorite episodes from 2020 which was What is Your Mindset Right Now? Are You Ready to Change It? This is a discussion I had with my good friend, coach, and former therapist Diann Wingert. I think it is an excellent listen to begin the second half of 2022. Diann Wingert has been on the podcast 3 times to discuss mindset issues and what triggers your brain. These episodes are some of the most downloaded in the history of the podcast. What is Your Mindset Right Now? Are Ready to Change It? The Entrepreneurial Mindset for an Accidental Entrepreneur with Diann Wingert How to Create Success by Outsmarting Your Brain with Diann Wingert This episode was the first where we discuss mindset issues and how to overcome them. I have edited down the episode as I am working to make the episodes shorter. This episode is sponsored by Career Pivot. Check out the Career Pivot Community, and be su