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Is the Pandemic Over?A Look at our Divided World with WaPo Editor Marc Fisher #296



Description: In this episode, I am speaking with Marc Fisher a Senior Editor from the Washington Post. Marc wrote a fascinating article called Is the pandemic over? Pre-covid activities Americans are (and are not) resuming. Biden says the pandemic is over — and when it comes to casinos, concerts and cosmetic procedures, Americans seem to agree. For theater, therapy and funerals though, not so much. I think you will find our discussion about how divided we are quite fascinating. We are all making individual decisions based on our risk tolerance. I liked Marc’s analogy of a triage nurse making decisions on who gets treated next. As we decide whether to travel on a plane, go to a wedding, go into the office or go to the movies, we are making individual decisions about how much risk we are willing to take. When one person may look at going to the movie as safe, others may look at it as extremely risky. This is a fascinating topic and discussion. Here is a  bit of Marc’s bio from the Washington Post website: Marc