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Considerations in Expat Healthcare and Health Insurance When Moving to Mexico #299



Description: In this episode, I want to give you some insight into the health care that is available to you when you move to Mexico. I will discuss high-level health insurance options and decisions you will need to make about Medicare. When you get into health insurance and Medicare there are no RIGHT decisions but there are many shades of grey that you will need to sort out for yourself. Mexico has 2 healthcare systems, a public and a private. This in many ways is not different than the US where you have public healthcare groups run by the federal, state, or county governments, and you have private company healthcare groups. The difference is the cost. The US healthcare systems are the most expensive in the world and in my humble opinion are quite broken. There are 2 YouTube videos that I am going to reference and include in the show notes from QRoo Paul from 2 Expats in Mexico called Public Health Care Options in Mexico and A Look at Private Health Care in Mexico. I am not going to talk much about the publi