Repurpose Your Career | Career Pivot | Careers For The 2nd Half Of Life | Career Change | Baby Boomer

Discover the Perfect Destination for Your Retirement or Remote Work Abroad #337



Description: In this episode, I am speaking with Emily Bron from International Lifestyle Consulting. Emily helps people relocate for retirement or for remote workers to find their ideal destinations. Emily has relocated to a foreign country multiple times in her life. You will probably pick that up by her accent. She is relocating again and helping others do the same. Read the Emily’s bio: After living and working in 4 countries (3 continents), experiencing several immigrations, changing professional fields (engineering, research, banking, IT, and travel consulting), and being an avid traveler with a cultural discovery mindset, she created International Lifestyle Consulting to advise how to find the best matching place for you to relocate abroad for a better quality of life, work, or retirement. As a professional Baby Boomer and remote worker, she is relocating again! Her guidance and advice are based on the following: Her multi-immigration and life experience of relocating alone and with family Daily follow