Dreams In Drive

36: The Road To Success Isn't Always So Straight w/ Chay Rodriguez



How many different pathways can you take on your road to entrepreneurial success? On this episode, Chay Rodriguez - who is the creator and host of #GOALS - The Podcast chats about her path to finding success and fulfillment post-college. She shares advice on how other young professionals can navigate life and find out what #dreamdriving means to you. Some of the topics we discuss include why she abandoned law school dreams after test driving the career, what to do if you are not passionate about your 9-5, how to stand in (and find) YOUR truth and play to your strengths, the importance of patience, things Chay would do differently if she could...and more! SHOW NOTES: www.dreamsindrive.com/chay-rodriguez SUBSCRIBE: www.dreamsindrive.com/join Follow Dreams In Drive on Social: twitter.com/dreamsindrive instagram.com/dreamsindrive Follow Chay/ #GOALS- The Podcast on social: www.instagram.com/goalsthepodcast www.instagram.com/chaystyle www.twitter.com/letchaylive www.goalsradio.net Find Rana on social: instagram.co