Dreams In Drive

66: Your Stories Matter (They Make History) w/ Nia Phillip of Creative Smart Girl



Your stories matter. So, how do you leverage them to build community? In this episode, we chat with Nia Phillip - a New York-based content creator, visual curator, and founder of Creative Smart Girl, - a digital media platform whose mission is to inspire ambitious, creative, smart women to do the work to build the career, life, and style of their dreams. Nia and I discuss why sharing our stories are so important and how doing so can help us build deeper connections with our audience and inspire others to do the same. Nia talks about her childhood growing up in Grenada, moving to America as a preteen, her early law school dreams, how they changed over the years, and the journey that eventually led her to building the Creative Smart Girl Platform. Nia shares tips for how those struggling to unearth their stories can do so successfully and what to do if you feel like your story isn't share worthy. If you're interested in participating in the#HERPOWERSTORY March 2017 campaign, share a photo on Instagram + include