Dreams In Drive

81: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone (Listener Q & A)



 What goes on behind the mic? It's time to answer some dream driver questions! Listen in as I chat staying motivated, my recommended (and favorite) books, getting started, working through plateaus and more! Join in on the conversation on social (@dreamsindrive) and use the hashtag #dreamsindrive. Enjoy!   SOME OF THE QUESTIONS I ANSWER:- What's your WHY? - Where do you see yourself in 5 years with Dreams In Drive? - What motivates you to be consistent? - What's your self care routine like? - How do you stay motivated during a plateau? - How did you get started with Dreams In Drive? - How do you find a mentor? - What has been your biggest challenge with building Dreams In Drive? - How does relocation help your life? - What books would you recommend for personal growth? *SHOW NOTES: www.dreamsindrive.com/episode-81 *SUBSCRIBE: www.dreamsindrive.com/join *Follow Dreams In Drive on Social: *twitter.com/dreamsindrive *instagram.com/dreamsindrive *Follow Rana on social: *instagram.com/rainshineluv *twitter.com/rain