Dreams In Drive

103: How To Figure Out & Put Your SUPERSTAR Skill To Use w/ Rana Campbell



We all have something that makes us EXTRAORDINARY - something that we do better than others and makes us extremely valuable and unique. What is it? If you don't know - how do you figure it out? How do you put it to use? Why is it even important to truly embrace your SUPERSTAR skill anyway? In this episode, host Rana Campbell discusses why figuring out your expertise will help you along your #dreamdriving journey. Join in on the conversation on social (@dreamsindrive) and use the hashtag #dreamsindrive. WE DISCUSS: - How to figure out what your superstar skill is - How to put that superstar skill to use - The struggle bus & how to get off it - Why no one is YOU and that is your POWER - The key to nor being be distracted by lack of support - The importance of leaning into your desire to be GREAT! *ENTER GIVEAWAY OF THE WEEK: www.dreamsindrive.com/win *SHOW NOTES: www.dreamsindrive.com/episode-103 *SUBSCRIBE: www.dreamsindrive.com/join *RESOURCES: www.dreamsindrive.com/free *Follow Dreams In Drive on Social: