Dreams In Drive

133: Dreaming Outside The Box w/ Dr. Nii Darko



What's the difference between success and fulfillment? Dr. Nii Darko talks his #dreamdriving journey and how he was able to discover a life for himself and his family beyond medicine. He shares lessons learned navigating entrepreneurship as a doctor, knowing your value, scaling your business. Plus, we talk the power of community, knowing your WHY, and what keeps Nii going through difficult times. If you're currently feeling stuck and feel like there's more to your journey, this episode is for you! Let's start dreaming outside the BOX and truly stepping into the vastness of our purpose! Join in on the conversation on social (@dreamsindrive) and make sure to use the hashtag #dreamsindrive. Enjoy! ON THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: - What inspired Nii as a child - How Nii knew medicine was for him - The dark side of being super committed - Knowing your value - Negotiating - The key to scaling your business - Why Nii started his podcast "Docs Outside The Box" - Underestimating the power of community - Investing and gett